

Self-assembled cyclic peptide nanotubes (cPNTs) have recently drawn particular attention as one of the most intriguing nanostructures in the field of nanotechnology. Given their unique features including high surface area, increased drug loading, environmental stability, enhanced permeation, and modifiable drug release, these hollow tubular structures can be constructed with cyclic di-, tri-, tetra-, hexa-, octa-, and decapeptides with various amino acid sequences, enantiomers, and functionalized side chains and can be applied for antiviral and antibacterial drugs, drug delivery and gene delivery vectors, organic electronic devices, and ionic or molecular channels. Recent publications have presented promising results regarding the use of cPNTs as drugs or biomedical devices. However, there is an urgent need for the further in vivo nanotoxicity and safety testing of these nanotubes to evaluate their suitability in different fields. © 2018

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