Volume 25, Issue 3 (2017)
Review Article
New psychoactive substances of natural origin: A brief review
L.-Y. Feng, A. Battulga, E. Han, H. Chung, and J.-H. Li
Original Articles
The detoxifying effects of structural elements of persimmon tannin on Chinese cobra phospholipase A2 correlated with their structural disturbing effects well
Y. Zhang and C.-M. Li
Safety of frozen liver for human consumption
G.A.K. Kirrella, A.M.M. Deeb, and R.M.I. Abdallah
An analysis method for flavan-3-ols using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with a fluorescence detector
L. Wang, Y. Yamashita, A. Saito, and H. Ashida
Therapeutic effects of D-aspartate in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
S. Afraei, A. D'Aniello, R. Sedaghat, P. Ekhtiari, G. Azizi, N. Tabrizian, L. Magliozzi, Z. Aghazadeh, and A. Mirshafiey
Convenient UV-spectrophotometric determination of citrates in aqueous solutions with applications in the pharmaceutical analysis of oral electrolyte formulations
S. Krukowski, M. Karasiewicz, and W. Kolodziejski
Assessment of rosehips based on the content of their biologically active compounds
A. Bhave, V. Schulzova, H. Chmelarova, L. Mrnka, and J. Hajslova
Evaluation of the prebiotic effects of citrus pectin hydrolysate
Y.-Y. Ho, C.-M. Lin, and M.-C. Wu
Microbiological, histological, and biochemical evidence for the adverse effects of food azo dyes on rats
K. Elbanna, O.M. Sarhan, M. Khider, M. Elmogy, H.H. Abulreesh, and M.R. Shaaban
Microencapsulation of fish oil using supercritical antisolvent process
F.T. Karim, K. Ghafoor, S. Ferdosh, F. Al-Juhaimi, E. Ali, K.B. Yunus, M.H. Hamed, A. Islam, M. Asif, and I.S.M. Zaidul
Novel electrochemical xanthine biosensor based on chitosan–polypyrrole–gold nanoparticles hybrid bio-nanocomposite platform
M. Dervisevic, E. Dervisevic, E. Çevik, and M. Şenel
Cytotoxic and antioxidant capacity of camel milk peptides: Effects of isolated peptide on superoxide dismutase and catalase gene expression
M. Homayouni-Tabrizi, A. Asoodeh, and M. Soltani
Designing primers and evaluation of the efficiency of propidium monoazide – Quantitative polymerase chain reaction for counting the viable cells of Lactobacillus gasseri and Lactobacillus salivarius
C.-H. Lai, S.-R. Wu, J.-C. Pang, L. Ramireddy, Y.-C. Chiang, C.-K. Lin, and H.-Y. Tsen
Long-chain bases from sea cucumber mitigate endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation in obesity mice
S. Hu, J. Wang, J. Wang, C. Xue, and Y. Wang
An ecofriendly green liquid chromatographic method for simultaneous determination of nicotinamide and clindamycin phosphate in pharmaceutical gel for acne treatment
F. Ibrahim, A.K. El-Deen, Abass S.A. El, and K. Shimizu
Characterization and hepatoprotective activity of anthocyanins from purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. cultivar Eshu No. 8)
L. Wang, Y. Zhao, Q. Zhou, C.-L. Luo, A.-P. Deng, Z.-C. Zhang, and J.-L. Zhang
Induction of G2/M arrest and apoptosis through mitochondria pathway by a dimer sesquiterpene lactone from Smallanthus sonchifolius in HeLa cells
Y. Kitai, X. Zhang, Y. Hayashida, Y. Kakehi, and H. Tamura
Identification of an exposure risk to heavy metals from pharmaceutical-grade rubber stoppers
X. Li and P. Qian
Nephroprotective effect of Paeonia emodi via inhibition of advanced glycation end products and oxidative stress in streptozotocin–nicotinamide induced diabetic nephropathy
L. Kishore, N. Kaur, and R. Singh
Assessment of antibacterial drug residues in milk for consumption in Kosovo
A. Rama, L. Lucatello, C. Benetti, G. Galina, and D. Bajraktari
Validation and assessment of matrix effect and uncertainty of a gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry method for pesticides in papaya and avocado samples
N.S. Pano-Farias, S.G. Ceballos-Magaña, R. Muñiz-Valencia, and J. Gonzalez
Physicochemical analysis and nonisothermal kinetic study of sertraline–lactose binary mixtures
F. Ghaderi, M. Nemati, M.R. Siahi-Shadbad, H. Valizadeh, and F. Monajjemzadeh
Antibiofilm activity of cashew juice pulp against Staphylococcus aureus, high performance liquid chromatography/diode array detection and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses, and interference on antimicrobial drugs
M.V. Dias-Souza, Santos R.M. dos, Siqueira E.P. de, and P.H. Ferreira-Marçal
Time course effects of fermentation on fatty acid and volatile compound profiles of Cheonggukjang using new soybean cultivars
K.M. Cho, H.-J. Lim, M.-S. Kim, D.S. Kim, C.E. Hwang, S.H. Nam, O.S. Joo, B.W. Lee, J.K. Kim, and E.-C. Shin
Extraction optimization of gallic acid, (+)-catechin, procyanidin-B2, (–)-epicatechin, (–)-epigallocatechin gallate, and (–)-epicatechin gallate: their simultaneous identification and quantification in Saraca asoca
T. Dhanani, R. Singh, and S. Kumar
Extraction and quantification of polyphenols from kinnow (Citrus reticulate L.) peel using ultrasound and maceration techniques
M.N. Safdar, T. Kausar, S. Jabbar, A. Mumtaz, K. Ahad, and A.A. Saddozai
Determination of urea in milk based on N-bromosuccinimide–dichlorofluorescein postchemiluminescence method
F. Nie, N. Wang, P. Xu, and J. Zheng
Long-term feeding of red algae (Gelidium amansii) ameliorates glucose and lipid metabolism in a high fructose diet-impaired glucose tolerance rat model
H.-C. Liu, C.-J. Chang, T.-H. Yang, and M.-T. Chiang
Lactobacillus pentosus GMNL-77 inhibits skin lesions in imiquimod-induced psoriasis-like mice
Y.-H. Chen, C.-S. Wu, Y.-H. Chao, C.-C. Lin, H.-Y. Tsai, Y.-R. Li, Y.-Z. Chen, W.-H. Tsai, and Y.-K. Chen
Evaluating the urate-lowering effects of different microbial fermented extracts in hyperuricemic models accompanied with a safety study
R.-J. Chen, M.-H. Chen, Y.-L. Chen, C.-M. Hsiao, H.-M. Chen, S.-J. Chen, M.-D. Wu, Y.-J. Yech, G.-F. Yuan, and Y.-J. Wang