Volume 18, Issue 1 (2010)
Original Articles
Classifying the variety, production area and season of Taiwan partially fermented tea by near infrared spectroscopy
S.L. Liu, Y.S. Tsai, and A.S.-M. Ou
Proteinaceous constituents of red cabbage juice increase IL-10, but decrease TNF-α secretions using LPS-stimulated mouse splenocytes
J.-Y. Lin and C.-Y. Li
Date fiber concentrate: Chemical compositions, functional properties and effect on quality characteristics of beef burgers
S. Besbes, R. Ghorbel, R.B. Salah, M. Masmoudi, F. Jedidi, H. Attia, and C. Blecker
Optimization of arecoline extraction from areca nut using supercritical carbon dioxide
Rahman N.N.N. Ab, Z.I. Sarker, W.B. Setianto, F.M. Omar, J.H. Akanda, and Kadir M.O. Abd
Aflatoxin in raw peanut kernels marketed in Malaysia
S. Arzandeh, J. Selamat, and H. Lioe
Identification of ginseng radix in Chinese medicine preparations by nested PCR-DNA sequencing method and nested PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism
K.T. Lu, H.C. Lee, F.S. Liu, C.F. Lo, and J.H. Lin
Determination of 17α-methyltestosterone in bovine serum using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
R. Patricia, N. Carolina, B.I. Vázquez, C. Alberto, and C.A. Fente
Comparative study of the antioxidant activity of forty-five commonly used essential oils and their potential active components
H.-F. Wang, K.-H. Yih, and K.-F. Huang