Volume 17, Issue 2 (2009)
Original Articles
Sequence analysis based on ITS1 region of nuclear ribosomal DNA of Amomum villosum and ten species of Alpinia
C.-F. Qiao, Q.-B. Han, Z.-L. Zhao, Z.-T. Wang, L.-S. Xu, and H.-X. Xu
Determination of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid in Oldenlandia diffusa and its substitute using high performance liquid chromatography
Z. Liang, Z. Jiang, D.W. Fong, and Z. Zhao
Dietary caffeic acid, ferulic acid and coumaric acid supplements on cholesterol metabolism and antioxidant activity in rats
Y.-H. Yeh, Y.-T. Lee, H.-S. Hsieh, and D.-F. Hwang
Induction of apoptosis of A549 lung cancer cell line by dehydrocostus lactone isolated from Glossogyne Tenuifolia
H.-F. Hsu, Y.-C. Wu, L.-C. Chen, and J.-Y. Houng
Spectrophotometric determination of lisinopril in pharmaceuticals using ninhydrin- a modified approach
K. Basavaiah, K. Tharpa, S.G. Hiriyanna, and K.B. Vinay
Effect of different organized media on ion-selective electrode (ISE) determination of propranolol in pharmaceutical dosage forms
D. El-Sherbiny, G.Y. Elewady, K. Shalabi, and A. El-Askalany
Effect of deep sea water on the exercise-induced fatigue of rats
S.-T. Wang, D.-F. Hwang, R.-H. Chen, Y.-C. Chen, C.-W. Liang, C.-S. Lin, and M.-L. Tsai
In vitro testing of ciprofloxacin formulations and preliminary study on BCS biowaiver
S.B. Kyriacos, C. Boukarim, W. Safi, M. Mroueh, A.B. Maroun, G. El-Khoury, and R. Shehayeb
Simultaneous application of hydrostatic pressure and microbial transglutaminase as pretreatment to improve the physicochemical properties of heat-induced gels from tilapia surimi paste
C.-W. Hsieh, C.-H. Lai, H.-C. Hsieh, and W.-C. Ko
Effect of harvest time on saponins in yam (Dioscorea pseudojaponica Yamamoto)
J.-T. Lin, S.-L. Chen, S.-C. Liu, and D.-J. Yang